Faultlines by Barbara Taylor Sissel follows the lives of a family devastated by a car wreck. College-aged cousins Travis and Jordan were out partying one night when they wrecked, leaving both boys in critical condition and their friend in the backseat in a coma. Travis's mom Jenna is quick to blame her nephew, and even her sister Sandy, when it looks like Travis won't survive. The rest of family rallies around Jenna, and Sandy and Jordan are left out in the cold with their own grief and guilt. The situation is heartbreaking on so many levels, and you really feel for everyone involved in the story.
That's not all there is to Faultlines though, as there are many layers involved in this plot. As Jordan tries to clear his name, he has to battle the local law enforcement officer who seems to have it out for him, while also forging a relationship with a newcomer to town who has a special connection to him (don't want to give too much away here). Let just say that the story line is intricate and well-thought out, and it'll leave you guessing to the very end.
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