The Good Neighbor by A.J. Banner, starts off with a bang and never lets up. Someone (or two?) is drowning in a river and about to go over a waterfall, and someone else is on the river bank cackling with glee about it. Rewind a couple of months, and we meet Sarah, settling down for bed alone one night while her husband is out of town at a conference. Next we thing we know her neighbors' house is burning down and she's rescuing their little girl from the fire. (I said it never lets up didn't I?)
The neighbors die and Sarah's own house is burned to the ground, and suddenly things get weird. People, including her husband Johnny, are keeping secrets and acting strangely. Is he having an affair? Was the fire set intentionally? Is someone out to get her? Is she loosing her mind?!!!!
This is a fun romp with tons of suspense and many hints that lead somewhere, just nowhere near where you actually end up. I love surprise endings and this book has several of them. Best of all, it's another Kindle First book and free/$1.99 for the month of August.