Pretty Baby is the new release from Mary Kubica, author of the bestselling Good Girl. It's told from the perspective of three narrators: Heidi, a bleeding-heart type, her business-before-family husband Chris, and a teenage girl (Willow) whom Heidi picks up off the street one day and brings home with her. Willow's carting around a four-month-old baby and has been living on the streets. Heidi is determined to help her out and fulfill a void left from the inability to have children after the birth of her now twelve-year-old daughter Zoe. Zoe and Chris want nothing to do with this runaway, and you can imagine the confrontations and chaos that ensues.
Kubica does a great job throwing some twists in there, and similar to the Good Girl, all is not as it seems. I'll be honest and say that some of this book is very dark and not for me - I know there are sick people in this world but I don't like reading about them. That being said, it's still a great read, well-written, and she saves a final surprise for the end, of course.